Let's dive deep into what makes your brand, your brand and give it the strategic boost it deserves!


Time to stop scratching your head about your brand and get




I hear you! 👂🏽
You're                over...


Feeling confused about your content and your messaging...

It feels too broad or all over the place, and you're guessing what it is your people really want to hear

Not being able to put into words why your people should choose you...

Because you're not really sure what makes you different or you're too scared to lean into it!

Constantly changing your colours, fonts, visuals...

Because none of it feels aligned or accurately represents your passion (at this point, you've tried every colour of the rainbow)

Audits that give broad feedback and leave you more confused...

And that's why I combine my audits with a 1:1 intensive, because the clarity starts with YOU first. The audit just enhances it!

So let's finally put a magnifying glass to it, and we'll do it                   


In a 60-minute 1:1 and more (like wayy more), let's dig deep into your brand so you can gain clarity and actionable strategies to give your brand the strategic boost it deserves!



Creative Intensive & Audit

Equipping you with more than just a PDF breakdown

Unboxed Creative Toolkit & support

1;1 Brand Mapping exercise

In-depth audit breakdown 


In this 60-minute 1:1, you freely express your raw thoughts and ideas on your:
★ Foundations

★ Audience
★ Brand Associations
★ Brand Personality

20+ pages of in-depth analysis and breakdown of your:
★ Internal branding

★ External branding
★ Community-building
★ SWOT Analysis

Including a video presentation you get to keep forever!


You unlock access to:
★ Standing Out Strategy Workbook
★ Content Ideation & Mapping Workbook
★ Brand Inspo Moodboard Canva Template (with prompts)
★ 60 Creative Prompts PDF
★ 30 days of post-audit support 

My 3-step Creative Magnifying Process

1. Brand-Mapping Exercise

This is the core of my audits!
In a 60-minute 1:1 Huddle, we complete a Brand-Mapping exercise where I ask you a series of questions and you just brain dump ALLLL about your brand!

This gives us a raw and authentic look into who your brand is, what it stands for, and why it exists.

Doing this together also lets us uncover any themes or patterns in your responses!

2. Audit & Analysis

This part's all me!

You get to chill out while I thoroughly analyse and audit your branding and online channels.

Don't worry - I'll walk you through the entire audit breakdown (via video presentation), explaining all my points and suggestions in more detail, so that everything is as actionable as possible!

3. Apply & Grow

I then upload everything to your very own Client Portal.

Within the audit breakdown, you unlock access to the Creative Toolkit that includes a bunch of resources to continue pointing you in the right direction.

You then get 30 days of direct support. This is your chance to ask as many questions as you want so you can get completely tailored expert guidance!

Here's how I co-audit with you and leverage your inner creative:

P.S. You'll get your audit breakdown within one week from our Brand-Mapping Exercise!

The investment?


If you book me for a Tailored Brand Design project within 30 days of receiving the audit breakdown, this amount goes towards your investment! Two birds with one stone 🤩

$1100 AUD

One-off payment of

So if you're not ready for full branding but ARE ready to stop scratching your head and get...




Then let's put a magnifying glass to it together! 👇🏽


Give your brand the strategic boost it deserves, in a 60-minute 1:1 and more (like wayy more)

Still 1 spot open for August so yoink it quick

Frequently asked questions

Can't we skip the Brand-Mapping and just do a PDF breakdown?

Let's say you've bought a house and it needs a lil renovating, but you're too excited so you skip solidifying the foundations and go straight to decorating the rooms.

Sure, you could start adding furniture and painting walls, but without a solid foundation, you risk everything falling apart in the long run.

In the same sense, by skipping the Brand-Mapping exercise, we might miss out on identifying authentic and crucial insights and connections that are essential for me to thoroughly and effectively audit your brand!

What kind of questions can I ask during the 30 days of support?

Literally anything under the sun about your brand!! 
We can bounce content ideas off of each other, I can be your accountability partner, you can ask me to look over your new messaging, etc.

The more we chat, the clearer you'll understand the audit breakdown and what makes your brand, your brand!

What stage of business should I be to get a brand audit?

The stage of your business isn't as important as your readiness to invest in your brand! Whether you're a startup looking to gain clarity on your foundations or an established business who's pivoted and need to refine their strategy, a brand audit can give you valuable insights and direction.

As long as you're committed to gaining clarity and building a strong brand identity, then now is the right time for a brand audit!

But if it helps you decide, most of my brand audits have been with early-stage businesses. At a fifth of the investment for full brand design, an audit makes branding solutions accessible to us small business owners, and you still get the strategic boost and expert guidance you're looking for!

Ready to stop scratching and do more magnifying?



I collaborate with action-taking small business owners (like you!) to co-create a unique Brand Identity that can...

🌱 Build their confidence and empowerment as a business owner
🌱 Catch attention and foster deep connections
🌱 Turn prospects into loyal advocates
🌱 And enable them to kickstart their passion-led success story

Tailored Brand Design

But if you ARE ready for the full experience, let's go all in!


Learn more

What past clients have said 👇🏽

for Tailored Brand Design

I recently enjoyed working with Czarcee for her branding services and I could not be happier with the results... She has exceeded my expectations in every respect, and I am confident that her expertise and creativity will make a real difference for any business needing a compelling brand identity.

Virtu Solutions

Practical Pockets

That is all amazing 👏🏽🙌🏽😍 I love the colour palette, and the fonts are just perfect. The new logo is eye catching and rememberable. You've done an amazing job, am excited to see where this takes us

for Tailored Brand Design

Oinopo Studio

CK really cares about you being the best you can be. She's attentive & very thorough, and the audit absolutely exceeded my expectations. Not only did she map out my whole ass brand, I got SOO many good resources after our call. It really shows her expertise, I felt incredibly well taken care of!

for Creative Intensive & Audit


Apply for a brand design project below!



We all had to start somewhere! So let's check to see if your logo is at least functional and learn the truth behind Canva logos, so you can look out for nasty surprises!

Fill in your details below and I'll drop it into your inbox!

But if you did DIY your logo in Canva...

Unbox this Canva Logo Score Card                   

for FREE!